- a, as in father.
- 'a, an initially exploded a.
- ă, as in what.
- 'ă, an initially exploded ă.
- adiaeresis, as in hat.
- c, as sh in she. See ś.
- ɔ, a medial sh, a sonant-surd.
- ć (Dakota letter), as ch in church.
- ç, as th in thin.
- ɔ̉, a medial ç, sonant-surd.
- c̷ as th in the.
- e, as in they.
- 'e, an initially exploded e.
- ĕ, as in get.
- 'ĕ, an initially exploded ĕ.
- g, as in go.
- ġ (in Dakota), gh. See x.
- ḣ (in Dakota), kh, etc. See q.
- i, as in machine.
- 'i, an initially exploded i.
- ĭ, as in pin.
- j, as z in azure, or as j in French Jacques.
- ʞ, a medial k, a sonant-surd.
- k', an exploded k.
- ñ, as ng in sing.
- hn, its initial sound is expelled from the nostrils, and is scarcely heard.
- o, as in no.
- 'o, an initially exploded o.
- d, a medial b or p, a sonant-surd.
- p', an exploded p.
- q, as German ch in ach. See ḣ.
, a medial s (or z), a sonant-surd.
- ś (in Dakota), as sh in she. See c.
- ʇ, a medial t, a sonant-surd.
- t', an exploded t.
- u, as oo in tool.
- 'u, an initially exploded u.
- ŭ, as oo in foot.
- u̱, a sound between o and n.
- ü, as in German kühl.
- x, gh, or nearly the Arabic ghain. See ġ.
- dj, as j in judge.
- tc, as ch in church. See ć.
- tc', an exploded tc.
- ʇɔ, a medial tc, a sonant-surd.
- ʇ
, a medial ts, a sonant-surd.
- ts', an exploded ts.
- ź (in Dakota), as z in azure, etc. See j.
- ai, as in aisle.
- au, as ow in cow.
- yu, as u in tune.