Page 209


General features of organization 213
The Dakota tribes 215
    Designation and mode of camping 215
    The Mdewakaⁿtoⁿwaⁿ 215
    The Waqpe-kute 216
    The Waqpe-toⁿwaⁿ or Wahpeton 216
    The Sisitoⁿwaⁿ or Sisseton 216
    The Ihañktoⁿwaⁿ or Yankton 217
    The Ihañktoⁿwaⁿna or Yanktonai 217
    The Titoⁿwaⁿ or Teton 218
       Tribal divisions 218
       The Sitcaⁿxu 218
       The Itaziptco 219
       The Siha-sapa or Blackfeet 219
       The Minikooju 220
       The Oohe-noⁿpa or Two Kettles 220
       The Oglala 220
       The Huñkpapa 221
    Dakota social customs 221
The Asiniboin 222
The Omaha 226
The Ponka 228
The Quapaw or Kwapa 229
The Kaŋze or Kansa 230
The Osage 233
The Iowa 238
The Oto 240
The Ni-u'-t‘a-Tci or Missouri 240
The Hotcañgara or Winnebago 240
The Mandan 241
The Hidatsa 242
The Crow or Absaroka 243
The Biloxi 243
The Tutelo 244
The Catawba 244

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30. Sisseton and Wahpeton camping circle 216
31. Sisseton camping circle 217
32. Sitcaⁿxu camping circle 219
33. Oglala camping circle 221
34. Omaha camping circle 226
35. Iñke-sabĕ gentile assembly 227
36. Ponka camping circle 228
37. Kansa camping circle 230
38. Osage camping circle 233